Sign me up for the next Sassy, Slim and Healthy™ Virtual Weekend Event, Saturday and Sunday, June 3-4, 2011, featuring “Melinda's Fill In The Blank Template.” I understand I’ll receive all the materials described above, plus expertise and inspiration direct from you in the form of written resources, audio and video. I understand I’ll receive the opportunity to download all the documents and audio components so I can use these materials again and again to write and plan my new healthy life. If I can’t make it on the designated weekend, I will receive all the materials and can write my plan myself -- I will have everything I need.
Here are your registration options:
OPTION 1: Click on the "Buy Now" button below to select the Gold Level. With the "Gold Level" you get everything described above, including the opportunity to ask me questions during the four group call-in coaching sessions that are part of the weekend. (Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and our "Alumni Call" approximately one week after the weekend takes place.)
This is perfect if you're considered the "analytical" type and registering for the weekend primarily for the accountability, templates and "how-to" information.
Give me the gold level.
One payment of $197.
Want a little more “Melinda” during the weekend?
With the Diamond Level you get everything described above, including the "Gold Level", PLUS the opportunity to ask me questions via email during the weekend AND have me personally review and give you feedback on your ideas and plans during and the week afer the virtual event.
Basically, it's "more Melinda" in the form of more support. You can email me anytime to ask questions you may have forgotten to ask during the calls or want to ask privately instead of "in front" of the group.
I'll review your plans and recipes and give you my input about feasibility, nutrition status, and more. It's like having me as both your personal health and weight-loss coach throughout the entire weekend!
Perfect if you know you'll need a little more hand-holding through the process of planning your new life, tend to come up with more questions after processing information and want more feedback on your developing ideas to see if it "fills the bill" with your personal health and weight-loss goals.
Give me “more Melinda” with the Diamond Level.
Click on the "Buy Now" button below to select the “Diamond Level”
One payment of $379.
Your transaction is guaranteed safe. Your credit card will show "with Splash, LLC" for the transaction.
Details About The "Sassy, Slim and Healthy" Weekend Event
When you enroll you'll receive:
A complete, downloadable "fill in the blanks" template you can plug your ideas into - it's absolutely the fastest and easiest way to get your plan done.
My personal resource list and tips so you fill those pages lickity split.
Live call-in sessions the weekend of our event where I answer any question you have about changing your lifestyle and making your plans and give you step-by-step implementation tips so you have your plan made sooner rather than later.
Recordings of each and every call so even if you miss one you can still get your plan done in a short weekend.
A streamlined step-by-step "Fast Start Guide" to get you out of the blocks quickly.
Ongoing email, audio and video encouragement and inspiration from me so you stay on track in getting your plans done in a weekend. (You can also do your plan any weekend after since you'll have everything you need.)
After you register for The "Sassy, Slim and Healthy" Weekend Event this is what will happen next:
Step 1: Preparing for Success
You'll receive a welcome audio from me, plus a short Questionnaire to complete so we get to know each other better.
You'll also receive my "How to Determine What's Healthy Eating" audio and transcript to give you greater focus and clarity on your forthcoming plan that you'll thoroughly develop during the weekend.
Step 2: Scheduling and organization
Shortly after that, you'll receive a full schedule for the weekend plus guidelines to creating your own personal "get it done" schedule. In addition, you'll receive an audio I created especially for "Sassy, Slim and Healthy" Weekend participants titled "Answers to the Big 3 Health Questions." This audio will ramp you up to greater success for the weekend.
Step 3: Ready to write it down
In the days prior to The "Sassy, Slim and Healthy" Weekend, you'll be receiving additional materials and guidance from me so you're ready to rock and roll come Saturday morning. The crux of this coaching is our "On Your Mark" call on the Wednesday before the weekend where I answer more of our questions regarding recipe ideas, and how to use the "Sassy, Slim and Healthy" templates. Before the call, you'll receive the templates and other materials associated with the weekend so you have everything you need to get started.
REMEMBER, all calls are recorded and available for play-back or download within minutes after they conclude.
In addition to the audios and coaching calls described above, you'll also receive a couple of "short and powerful" mini-training bonus audios related to "Why You Need to Change Your Diet," and "How Can I Persuade My Family to Change With Me?"